
One of our favorite events of the year is the Thanksgiving Feast! It is a time for students, young adults, and friends of the ministry to gather around crowded tables and delicious food. This year about 60 friends celebrated together on November 24.

We give thanks for everyone who joined, invited friends, and brought delicious side dishes and desserts. We give exuberant thanks for the robust setup and cleanup crews. Each person who attended (and many behind the scenes) contributed to it being a joyful FEAST!

This year, our Undergraduate Leadership Team is partnering with Broad Street Ministry (BSM) in Philadelphia. BSM provides radical hospitality to vulnerable neighbors experiencing homelessness. Their guests frequently need transportation passes to get to medical, legal, social service, and housing appointments. A one-way transportation pass in Philadelphia is $2.50. With the guidance of the Undergraduate Leadership Team, Princeton Presbyterians collected donations to help BSM supply 38 transportation passes to their guests. Thank you to all who contributed!

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